If You Could Speak to Your Next Life

What Would You Say?

I know many of us are given the opportunity to write our own obituary; but what if we could write up a lecture of advice for our next life (if you believe we return) -or perhaps to our childhood-self, to re-programme our minds for better life-wisdom for the present moment? I suppose this could be a page of mind-hacks for our children of the world. What is it you would summarise for the aid of a future or present life? Given my life experiences so far, at age 48 (I tell myself that I am only 28 years of age), I would offer this in the form of a list: –

You are as young as you decide to be!

Live in the present moment (as it is a literal present/gift to you)!

Hold gratitude for everything and everyone in your life!

See all challenges as an opportunity for growth & determine what it is showing you for your personal growth and benefit.

Find joy in life! This is the most amazing energy to sit within!

Connect with nature, as we are nature and nature is us!

Connect to your inner-self with regular meditation, since this brings great wisdom and balance!

Value yourself (really value yourself)! You are worth everything and everyone!

Believe in yourself (know that you can achieve anything you are confronted with or that you have set yourself)!

Literally feel the fear and face it, understanding that your mind and body is only speaking to you with feelings! There is no need to fear fear itself if you understand the functions of adrenaline.

Know that you are composed of mind, body and spirit/ethereal/energy body. Complete health is keeping all three healthy and well connected.

Be kind to yourself with comforting, loving thoughts!

Love yourself immensely!

Do not allow other people’s opinions to form your own opinion of yourself. Create your “self” with great and positive, loving beliefs, recognising your gifts and strengths, whilst building on any weaknesses if you so choose. People will always ever (and only) have their own perception of others. You know your truth! Hold your head high with humility.

Live every day and moment as if it is your last, but rest when you need to. Feeling restful is equally lovely.

Protect your energy with love and light and project that outwards to others.

Forgive with understanding of human nature; know that what others don’t understand, they may not have experienced. Everyone’s response and perception is different anyway.

Follow your dreams – make them happen, with determined continuity.

Respect yourself for the genuine being that you uniquely are; know that we all hold our own gifts and that so called “disabilities” enhance other super abilities deliberately.

Know your value, as we are all parts of a whole. You are just as vital as the next person. You are a piece of the huge jigsaw puzzle that is this life.

Enjoy serving those who need your help, with love, but don’t allow your kindness to be taken advantage of. Say no when it is needed.

Inspire others with humble demonstration, without ego.

Comfort your mind with words that make your body feel relaxed; feel your emotions and love how they speak to you.

Listen to people who open their thoughts to you, without judgement; never judge another, as we don’t fully understand their path; allow everyone to follow their own paths/journeys without trying to control anyone.

We hold the power of choice in this life, yet there are some set paths for our experiences to build upon. Flow easily through life, without throwing stumbling blocks out of your own making.

Hold responsibility for your life and make life work for you!

Look at your childhood and calculate why you have certain insecurities that are carried forward – work on them with love, for the experience. Your subconscious mind stores all that you have said, thought and done, causing automatic actions. This can be re-wired to believe anything you tell yourself, therefore, fill your mind with: –

Comfort/support, love, understanding.

Non-judgement; strength and courage; unlimited self-power-beliefs; kindness; positive belief; calm; joy… 

Do not live with a limited mindset. We have immense power – more than we actually understand, so keep playing!

Be sensible when absolutely necessary, but between things, find the fun and beauty in everything just as a child would. We haven’t discovered everything in life yet, so seek and find!

Do not allow division, since we are all one in this Earthly experience. Understand all living beings with interest (would we only know this if an alien invasion occurred?). 

Make the right choices for YOU!

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