Positive Programming

Positive Programming, by Emma Jayne Taylor

In the media it states that many people are struggling with mental health issues and that the numbers have risen tremendously due to the recent worldly events. By “recent” I mean the last three years or so. This offer is to do my part to help people who are struggling.

When I speak to elderly customers of mine on a regular basis, they remind me of the days of freedom, which a few say began after the last World War. When the rations ended and people were gradually able to make endless types of food again, and the mixed-cultures were bringing in their value of food through trade – coupled with an excess of manufacturing and trading of all natures, from clothing, to holidays abroad, huge entertainment offerings… This all brought a culture of a developed world that had people living like Kings and Queens. Food, clothing, materials and holidays were relatively affordable, especially as time moved on.

So with all of this in mind, we have all come to reason with what is truly valuable to us in this life. The days of Covid, and the days of unwanted wars have opened our eyes to gratitude and care. This perhaps hasn’t happened to everyone, but I can see that the times have changed many people’s behaviours.

Back in the year of 2011, I learnt some valuable lessons in life. These lessons taught me gratitude, love, care, forgiveness, understanding, hope and many other things. My personal lessons taught me about the mind-body-energy connection. I believe that it prepared me for the recent years and although the times were difficult to get through – the lessons are those that are needed to help people today! The power of the mind is vital in order to hold the right emotions. The emotions and thoughts can create behaviours and beliefs. I have been fortunate to have learnt the lessons in order to cope with today – although I am human and have found it trying at times just the same as everyone. I have the tools to cope and move through with a steady mind and heart. This is why I put my 2 Positive Programming books together – in order to help others. There is no better time than today to share the mechanisms that I believe have shaped me and continue to shape me for a better life.

So, please find the book and order it for your own benefit!

The Book Title is: Positive Programming, The Secret Key to Releasing Anxiety & Finding Internal Happiness.

I have two book titles with the main header named, Positive Programming, with different sub titles.

Thank you for reading this blog and feel free to comment, as I always read them.

Signed off: Emma Jayne Taylor

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Positive Programming


Emma Jayne Taylor

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