Positive Programming

Emma Jayne Taylor’s Positive Programming…

I have completed 3 books that relate to positive thinking and a healthier mind – body – spirit. These are: –

  • Positive Programming, The Secret Key to Releasing Anxiety & Finding Internal Happiness
  • Positive Programming, The Power of Thought
  • The Light Within, Between Two Worlds.

A lot of people say that they don’t believe in positive thinking, because: –

  • It’s just “who they are.”
  • It isn’t realistic.
  • Their thoughts naturally flow without control.
  • It’s natural to be negative.
  • Or another reason, that allows them to ignore the theory.

We all need to experience events, that produce thoughts and feelings in order to calculate what makes us feel happy or sad, love or hatred, anger or joy, calm or fear, peace or disharmony… and whatever reference you choose from the two sides of Comfort or Discomfort. If we experience something that triggers a thought or feeling, then we can change our thought and feeling to suit how we wish to receive the experience.

We literally programme our minds. As we are programming our minds, we are creating feelings and beliefs. We are creating who we are! In my opinion, there are two starter points to creating change: –

1 – Awareness of thought is the ultimate key to changing our thought behaviour – for good mental health!

2 – Awareness of your feelings is a useful tool in order to change any uncomfortable feeling by replacing it with a comfortable feeling, simply by finding a kind and comforting thought.

Another very important point to make is that our bodies/selves are a high percentage of water. The energy in water can change to be either a positive or negative type of energy. Therefore, what we think and feel, affects the water within us! This is how our thoughts and emotions can affect our internal organs.

If you don’t believe me, then please take a look at documentaries such as “The Secret,” or “What the Bleep do We Know?”

In these programmes there is strong evidence from professors and doctors.

So, positive thinking truly does make a difference. It isn’t about being unrealistically positive all of the time. It is about awareness of how your thoughts make you feel, and changing your thoughts if you need to feel more comfortable in life. If you feel more comfortable, then you have a better energy within you – within your waters! If your water is happy, then so is the bloodstream and the organs it pumps around.

Positive thinking does matter!

Mental health truly does matter!

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