Words Are Powerful

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Words Are Powerful

Did you know that the words you use internally (thoughts) or verbally (spoken) are stored in your mind/subconscious?

Did you know that the words that you accept as true (from others) are stored in your mind?

Did you know that your subconscious mind will accept everything? Even if it is a lie?

What you store in your mind will be reflected in your actions, behaviours and beliefs.

We decide how and who we are to be.

By becoming aware of words that you are thinking, speaking or accepting by others, you can be more selective. By choosing only loving, encouraging, comforting words that bring personal peace, joy and comfort – you will attract the same in life and lead to a more fulfilling one. If you love yourself, you will only accept the best for yourself!

If we go through a process of “tidying up our minds” then we often come from a humble place and create a better, but still humble version of ourselves – if we do this correctly!

As an adult we can look at ourselves and calculate the influences we’ve had, the words we’ve accepted – that have impacted our emotions and beliefs.

Some people say that positive thinking isn’t an amazing thing, but I am an example of it being extremely beneficial.

It brings confidence and trust in the “self.” It aids with the response to external factors. It brings a much better life and lifestyle.

Believing in yourself can be the difference between succeeding in your dreams or simply allowing them to disperse – out of fear.

If you look at the behaviour of any child, you can automatically notice whether they are shy, or confident. You can see talents and gifts that aren’t used in young people because they have no faith in their ability, even if they are encouraged. If we all became aware of our thoughts and words then we can change our lives for the better and inspire others to “programme” their minds for greater beliefs, actions, values, etc.

Being aware of your words will stop you saying the wrong things, frequently such as: –

“I’m sorry, but…” (where no apology is required).

“I’m afraid to say…”

“I’m worried that…”

“I can’t…”

“What if…” (this and that happens?)

Do you say these kind of things, or similar? Do you say “sorry” too often, without good reason?

There are words that encourage devaluation of ourselves, but there are the opposite words of “strength,” and if you keep using the words of comfort, strength and positive thinking generally, then you reprogram your mind to bring automatic feelings from within – the feelings of self confidence, bravery, self-love, self-respect (and so on). It is good to have a resolving mind too when challenges arrive, as opposed to worrying about what might be, whilst using our imagination for bad reasons! Use your imagination for good reasons! Foresee a positive outcome.

The words of strength may be obvious, but here are some examples: –

“I can…”

“I will…”

“Thank you.”

“I can make this work?”

“What can I do to fix this?”

“I can heal quickly from this.”

I’m sure you recognise the difference between the words that will make you feel weak, compared to the words that will make you feel more confident and stronger.

The subconscious mind will behave by the way you store your thoughts. If you constantly feed it with fearful thoughts, then it will act fearfully. Imagine that your subconscious mind is like a child’s mind, trusting in what you tell it and behaving in the ways that you have taught it to be. Think of the guidance for your thoughts to come from the wisest, kindest, loving person that you can imagine ever exists. That is how much you should love yourself!

I hope this helps with some more guidance on positive thinking.

If you wish to try any of my easy-to-read guides on Positive Thinking, then try one of my “Positive Programming” books. There are currently 2 books with varied techniques that are easy to follow. Daily practice will make huge changes, just the same as regular physical exercise can promote good physical health – we need to regularly exercise our minds in the right way.

Here are the links to the first two books: –

Thank you for reading!



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Positive Thinking

Mind, Body, Spirit

Positive Programming

Emma Jayne Taylor

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Emma Jayne Taylor Words

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